ECDSA is very popular recently...
import hashlib
import random
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from ecdsa import NIST256p
from flag import FLAG
message = b"ECDSA prevents forging messages"
curve = NIST256p
G = curve.generator
n = curve.order
class Signature:
def __init__(self):
self.privkey = random.randrange(n)
self.pubkey = self.privkey * G
self.r = random.randrange(n)
self.s = random.randrange(n)
def sign(self, msg, k):
hsh = int(hashlib.sha256(msg).hexdigest(), 16)
p = k * G
self.r = p.x() % n
self.s = (inverse(k, n) * (hsh + (self.privkey * self.r) % n)) % n
return (self.r, self.s)
def f_sign(self, msg, k):
hsh = int(hashlib.sha256(msg).hexdigest(), 16)
self.s = (inverse(k, n) * (hsh + (self.privkey * self.r) % n)) % n
return (self.r, self.s)
sig = Signature()
k = random.randrange(n)
sig1 = sig.sign(message, k)
sig2 = sig.f_sign(message, k^0xffffffff)
sig3 = sig.f_sign(message, k^0xffffffff00000000)
r = random.randrange(n)
pubkey2 = r*G
sharedkey = r*sig.pubkey
iv = get_random_bytes(16)
key = long_to_bytes(int(sharedkey.x()))
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
ct = cipher.encrypt(pad(FLAG, 16))
print("pubkey="+ str((int(sig.pubkey.x()), int(sig.pubkey.y()))))
print("sig1=" + str(tuple(map(lambda x:int(x), sig1))))
print("sig2=" + str(tuple(map(lambda x:int(x), sig2))))
print("sig3=" + str(tuple(map(lambda x:int(x), sig3))))
print("pubkey2="+ str((int(pubkey2.x()), int(pubkey2.y()))))
print("iv=" + "0x"+str(iv.hex()))
print("ct=" + "0x"+str(ct.hex()))
pubkey=(38745398585592404989617041657020362138123363380468846963780930586996547144750, 13643061224989896432264609612335708262502935494164515568037402963951605264829)
sig1=(77834524933954296097833315313842984664992628710802286706422333910202549804044, 106047115067349115009621212644299274382951056066902044358604548248126784117113)
sig2=(77834524933954296097833315313842984664992628710802286706422333910202549804044, 77856639655128453708803009032309618307780628811843761077611198123911335033581)
sig3=(77834524933954296097833315313842984664992628710802286706422333910202549804044, 113246340396800206689440828533000149451101779708634101475318788958650261939751)
pubkey2=(18408891362196717436082197656011814689561019672942300120844335017129989755383, 89780168462818288492260141231746707551390283872983535472764708240708422195758)
We are given three ECDSA signatures of the same message. The only thing that changes is the nonce, and it only changes slightly. To decrypt the flag, we need to recover the secret signing key used to sign these messages.
Recall that in ECDSA a message is signed by choosing a random nonce and then computing
where is the secret signing key. Computations are performed modulo , where is the curve order. The signature is .
In our case, the signatures all share the same value, but the values are different. We have
Since XOR is annoying to work with algebraically, we approximate the XOR operations with additions:
where and . Note that because we do not know , we do not immediately know and . However, they are small values (compared to the curve order), and LLL is magical.
At the moment, we have three equations in four unknowns . We can combine these to get one equation in two unknowns. We choose to eliminate and so that we get a relation containing only and . It turns out we get the equation
For some coefficients and and some integer . And since the unknowns are small compared to , we have the perfect setting to use lattice techniques.
Consider the lattice generated by the rows of the following matrix:
Denote by the th row. Note that , so is a short vector in this lattice. We can find this exact vector by using the LLL algorithm and looking for a vector with in the first entry. This gives us the values of and .
Once we have recovered and , we can substitute them into the expressions for and . We are then left with three equations and two unknowns. It is easy to solve for the private key , e.g. with Gröbner bases, resultants, rearranging by hand, etc.
import hashlib
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
from sage.matrix.matrix2 import Matrix
def resultant(f1, f2, var):
return Matrix.determinant(f1.sylvester_matrix(f2, var))
h = int(hashlib.sha256(b'ECDSA prevents forging messages').hexdigest(), 16)
pubkey = (38745398585592404989617041657020362138123363380468846963780930586996547144750, 13643061224989896432264609612335708262502935494164515568037402963951605264829)
r = 77834524933954296097833315313842984664992628710802286706422333910202549804044
s1 = 106047115067349115009621212644299274382951056066902044358604548248126784117113
s2 = 77856639655128453708803009032309618307780628811843761077611198123911335033581
s3 = 113246340396800206689440828533000149451101779708634101475318788958650261939751
pubkey2 = (18408891362196717436082197656011814689561019672942300120844335017129989755383, 89780168462818288492260141231746707551390283872983535472764708240708422195758)
iv = bytes.fromhex('1d828a4a93bc2026ae1c8ab1711a1991')
ct = bytes.fromhex('8c5350234cf12b0f4da1d344124fe76e29906fbf5a1ed45cc8c7a29009dc078a31a6150b8ec5be75e1f7cef7665f634b')
n = 115792089210356248762697446949407573529996955224135760342422259061068512044369
P.<k,t2,t3,d> = PolynomialRing(Integers(n))
f1 = s1*k - h - r*d
f2 = s2*(k+t2) - h - r*d
f3 = s3*(k+t3) - h - r*d
h1 = resultant(f1, f2, d)
h2 = resultant(f1, f3, d)
g1 = resultant(h1, h2, k)
c2, c3 = map(ZZ, g1.coefficients())
M = matrix(ZZ, [
[c2, 1, 0],
[c3, 0, 1],
[n, 0, 0]
M = M.LLL()
t2_ = M[0][1]
t3_ = M[0][2]
f2 = f2.subs({ t2: t2_ })
f3 = f3.subs({ t3: t3_ })
h1 = resultant(f2, f3, k)
d = h1.univariate_polynomial().roots()[0][0]
p = 115792089210356248762697446949407573530086143415290314195533631308867097853951
a = -3
b = 41058363725152142129326129780047268409114441015993725554835256314039467401291
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a, b])
sharedkey = int(d)*E(*pubkey2)
key = long_to_bytes(int(sharedkey.xy()[0]))
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
pt = unpad(cipher.decrypt(ct), 16)